Rare migrants and common vagrants
Yesterday rare migrants, common vagrants, residents and fairly scarce summer visitors were spotted at the site. Unfortunately we also had some sightings of vermin. Olivia is going to dispose of an unpleasant looking purplefooted mouse

Ann tried to splat a common rat (rattus horribilis) whilst Steve supervised when to hit it.

A new colourful species of butterfly was sighted. It got attached to this little boy
A dragonfly was spotted which is endemic to the site
This young visitor thought she'd take a duck home
This little boy thought the duck was a fake

Jack caught this new species of duck (anas plasticus)
(and a very pleasant summer party was enjoyed by all)
Ann tried to splat a common rat (rattus horribilis) whilst Steve supervised when to hit it.
A dragonfly was spotted which is endemic to the site
Jack caught this new species of duck (anas plasticus)
(and a very pleasant summer party was enjoyed by all)